➥ Division & Section of the University Library

✎ I. User Education and Services - lends books and non-book materials housed in the Main Library and provide reference, research and bibliographic services to faculty, students, staff and researchers. It maintains and preserves books, documents and archival materials. It also undertakes user orientation and instruction programs. It has the following sections:
✎ a. Filipiniana Collections - has materials including artworks about the Philippines whether written by Filipinos or foreign authors, published in the Philippines or outside the country.
✎ b. General Reference - provides general information and reference services utilizing print and non-print materials, e.g., audio-visuals, diskettes, optical disks, computer files, CD-ROMs, etc.
✎ c. Serials - houses mostly Filipiniana journals, periodicals and newspapers, etc.
✎ d. University Archives and Records- records, archival materials of the University, especially those that are significant to the University both in printed format and electronic medium.
> ✎ e. Mindanao Special Collections - materials on the indigenous customs, traditions, and cultures of the peoples of Mindanao.
✎ f. Special Collections - collections comprising those of the Asian Development Bank, former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos's, UP Diliman's Office of Research and Coordination, and other materials deposited in the Library.
✎ g. LEMITO (Library Educational Media Information Technology Office) - plans, designs, and evaluate computer operations and services of the University and college libraries; conducts training programs for library staff and users of computerized systems; and maintains computerized disk files of programs and databases. It also renders audio-visual services and Internet access. It is also where users have their lectures and performances utilizing the non-print resources of the General Reference section.
II. Technical Services
✎ a. Cataloging Section - organizes the University library collections and maintains the union catalog of the Constituent University.
✎ b. Acquisitions section - implements policies concerning the Book Fund of the Constituent University.
✎ b. Acquisitions section - implements policies concerning the Book Fund of the Constituent University.
✎ d. Abstracting Section -is responsible for abstracting theses, dissertation, university studies and research outputs, and other research and information materials, both to enhance their accessibility and to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the research and extension units of the University.
> ✎ e. Gifts and Exchange Section -is responsible for entering into consortia, network, and exchange programs with universities, academic institutions, research agencies and other organizations.
✎ III. Administrative Services Division provides administrative support to the functional divisions/sections of the Constituent University.